Monday, April 21, 2008

The Music of Neil Peart and Alex Lifeson

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by Groshan Fabiola

The summer of 1968, Canada: a new band was brought to life - Rush. It started out as a heavy metal band and throughout the years it has evolved musically, embracing numerous rock genres as hard rock, modern rock and progressive rock. Rush did not have a smooth start, for many band members have come and gone until 1974. Prior to this, Rush had only managed to release one album in March of 1974. However, in July 1974, Rush was about to achieve its definitive form as Neil Peart stepped in to replace John Rutsey and since then Rush has managed to release eighteen albums, the latest of which was released in 2007.

Neil Peart's arrival in Rush was a blessing for the other two members, Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee. As the founder of Rush, Alex Lifeson had great plans for this band, but they were drawn back by members coming and going. Prior to Neil Peart joining Rush, this rock band had only managed to release one album. After Neil Peart's arrival, Rush released two albums in the coming year, 1975, and sixteen others until 2007.

Neil Peart always dreamt of becoming a drummer and as an adolescent he dropped out of school to pursue his dream. The England rock scene was increasingly evolving, so Neil Peart went to this country to become a full time drummer. However, because of numerous set backs, he decided to return to Canada where he joined Rush. For this rock band, Neil Peart became more than a drummer; he also became a song writer. Although he had found his band, Neil Peart did not give up his dream of becoming one of the greatest musicians ever and his talent and efforts paid off. He is regarded by both critics and fans as one of the greatest rock drummers ever. The long list of honors and awards that Neil Peart has received stands as proof of his great skills.

Alex Lifeson, the founding member of Rush, embraced the coming of new member Neil Peart and with him, Rush received success and world reconnaissance. Ever since he was a boy, Alex Lifeson dreamt of playing the guitar and his dream finally took shape in 1968, with the birth of Rush. As the rock scene progressed throughout the years, with the birth of many genres and sub- genres, Rush also needed to make progress in order to rise to fans' standards. Alex Lifeson did not limit himself to playing electric and acoustic guitar, and started experimenting the mandolin, mandola and bouzouki, instruments he now plays very well. Moreover, in concerts, he occasionally plays the keyboard and does backing vocals. Alex Lifeson is regarded by both critics and fans as a great artist and guitar player, but unfortunately he is mostly overshadowed by his band colleagues.

Since its birth, Rush evolved enormously and with each album, this rock band became more and more famous. Although the members decided to take a five-year break, their come back was magnificent and they are now as appreciated as ever. The three band members, Alex Lifeson, Geddy Lee and Neil Peart have succeeded in making Rush one of the most appreciated and inspirational bands of all times.

For more resources about Alex Lifeson or even about Neil Peart please review this web page

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